Los Angeles Nanny with Boy


Therapeutic Parenting Nanny Agency LA Advocacy

Have you been looking for a nanny in the LA area?

Maybe you’ve tried nanny after nanny from the agency you signed a contract with and they just aren’t working out?

You’re not alone.

Even when you do find a nanny, how do you know that they’re the perfect fit for your family? Inviting a stranger into your home to take care of your children can feel wrong.

We’ve been there.

As parents, we want our children to feel safe and secure in our care and the care of others.

I created my nanny agency advocacy in LA to help families, like yours, feel as comfortable as possible with going back to work.

We’re here to help bring a nanny into your home that provides top-notch care for your children.

As a Parent, You’re Struggling To Find a Nanny in LA

Finding a nanny that meets all of your family’s needs can feel impossible.

For many, returning to work after having children can be an internal battle of what’s right and what’s wrong for their children.

When it comes to childcare, no parent wants to settle for mediocrity.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a real modern-day Mary Poppins, who we could clone and send into each and every home across the area?

We’d all love that kind of happily ever after for our children.

We understand that trusting someone you barely know to help raise your kids is intimidating. Choosing the wrong nanny could be detrimental.

That’s why it’s so important to choose a nanny that fits your family, children, and lifestyle. This is not a decision to make based on convenience.

For many, returning to work after having children can be an internal battle of what’s right and what’s wrong for their children.

We can relate.

We’ve heard from hundreds of families going through the same struggles.

We know what you’re going through.

The Best Nanny Agency In LA Is Harder To Find Than You Think

There are many nanny agencies in Los Angeles, that’s surely not an issue. High-end nanny agencies are great, but they don’t care about your family’s needs. Their goal is
to get a nanny into your home, get paid (and overcharge you), and move onto the next customer.

Finding the best nanny agency in LA that’s where most families struggle. As a nanny agency advocate in LA, we’re here to prevent that from happening.

What Too Many Parents Experience When Searching For an LA Nanny Agency

Childcare is one of the things Americans spend the most on in a month. It comes in second only to mortgage or rent payments.

With a bill that high, parents shouldn’t have to struggle as much as they do to find quality care, but unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Sadly, this is what many families experience when searching for a nanny or nanny agency in LA:

  • They become exhausted. Even with so many nanny agencies in LA, knowing how to pick the right one becomes overwhelming.
  • Many nanny agencies in LA are concerned with making money, not finding the best fit for a family.
  • Most LA nanny agencies don’t do extensive research, nor do they take the time to assess the dynamics of your family, what your children need, and which nanny will benefit them the best.

    Too many families have too large of a turnover with nannies because of this.

    The nanny that walks into your home should have your entire family feeling comfortable, safe, and confident in your decision to hire a nanny.

  • We’ve seen it so many times, a family hires a nanny based on the
    recommendations of a nanny agency and they’re let down.

    The nanny agency didn’t communicate efficiently with the family or the new nanny.

    This results in the new nanny having no idea about the family’s schedule that’s
    always changing, the need for structure in their home, or their expectations.
    Communication, especially when providing care for your children is key. We know this.

  • Coming home to chaos.

    Many families have reasonable expectations.

    They’re hiring a nanny to interact with their children and to help them grow to their fullest potential.

    Instead, families find that their nanny does very little for their children, other than keep them alive while their parents are away. All due to poor communication from the LA nanny agency.

  • Most first time parents have no idea what to look for or where to start when they begin their nanny search.

  • Some nanny agencies, even the high-end nanny agencies in LA, don’t thoroughly research who they’re hiring.

    Some do a quick background check and that’s all. No further dive into the person’s life or credentials.

Here at Therapeutic Parenting Method Nanny Advocacy, we expect nothing less than the best.

We Have Proven Results Because We Understand What You’re Going Through

Although Julie Andrews isn’t a part of our team, we’ve got you covered.

We “wrote the book” on finding nannies. Literally, our founder Tammy, a known parenting expert, and therapist wrote Secrets Of The Nanny Whisperer: A Practical Guide for Finding and Achieving the Gold Standard of Care for Your Child.

Our team has spent over ten years perfecting the process to make sure we find you a “match made in heaven.”

We realize that the best parents need help, and asking for that help is what makes them such phenomenal parents.

In order for children to thrive intellectually, emotionally, and physically, they need to have a stable influence in my home, even when you can’t be with them.

As a psychotherapist, I learned that 90 percent of the human brain develops by age three.

That means, whoever is around your children up to that point, will have a large influence on who they become. It matters who you bring into their lives, especially caregivers.

Our Therapeutic process for choosing the right nanny is what makes us stand out in the crowd.

Other nanny agencies in LA, even ones some might consider high-end nanny agencies, seem to forget what’s important when picking a nanny: helping children grow up to be the people they are meant to be.

The best nanny agencies should have similar goals: To provide you with a compassionate and devoted nanny to the family they are serving.

We help you find the perfect fit.

After years of nanny matchmaking success, here’s what some of our clients are saying:
“I can’t say enough good things about Tammy and her team! They were so helpful that we’ve actually used them twice to help us find a nanny! They really took the time to understand our unique needs and perfectly matched our nannies to our family in every way!”

“We went through three nanny agencies in NYC before we found Tammy and thank goodness found her! In a couple of days she was showing us video interviews of potential nannies (boy was that convenient) and her team arranged in-person meetings and trials. for us. Thank you, Thank You Tammy!”

How We Help You Find The Perfect Nanny Through Our Los Angeles Nanny Agency Advocacy

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when looking for a Los Angeles nanny agency.

Our team is here to ease that burden.

We’re here to make the transition a whole lot simpler.

Here’s how we can help you find the perfect fit for your family:

Step 1: Talk With Tammy Gold, Renowned Expert For 15 Minutes

Not quite sure what you need?

Are you wondering if our LA nanny agency advocacy is the best fit for you?

Our free 15-minute introduction call is the perfect way to get started. In this call, we’ll discuss your family’s needs and if we’re the right fit for you.

If you decide our team could benefit you, we’ll take the dive and schedule a kickoff call.

This call is typically 60-90 minutes where we’ll go over the following:

    • Learn about your children’s needs, what goals you have for your children, and your family’s lifestyle.
    • Create an in-depth list of your expectations/limitations when it comes to having a nanny.
    • Help you create the perfect job description for a nanny in LA.
    • Begin the search for your nanny.
    • Interview, reference and safety check the nanny candidates with you

Why is the call so long? Because we care. Because we want to get it right the first time (to save you time, money, and frustration in the future).

Ready to get started? Schedule a call here.

Step 2: Signed, Sealed, and Ready to Go.

Before we can go any further, we’ll sign the contracts and ask for your deposit.

Once all of this is completed, we can start the selection process for a nanny that meets our Therapeutic qualifications.

Step 3: Find A Nanny Who Meets All of Your Needs with Our Therapeutic Process

For us to ensure that we find a nanny who not only meets your expectations but keeps your children safe, makes the entire family feel comfortable, and helps your children flourish, we’ve created an 11-step Therapeutic Parenting process.

Call us the CIA of the nanny world.

This 11-step Therapeutic Parenting process includes some of the following:

Our LA nanny agency advocacy has the most rigorous safety checks in the industry.
Not only do we do background checks, but we also go a step further.

Mental health screenings, social media sweeps, verifying credentials, and checking references for every candidate we recruit is just the start.

Safety first. We won’t send someone to your home we wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving our own children with.

Prior to interviewing nannies, we’ll do a family needs assessment (FNA). This assessment goes far beyond the industry standard.
The purpose of the FNA is to make sure we recruit a nanny for your family that will help your children blossom into the individuals they want to be.

We believe in proactive nanny recruitment.
Most LA nanny agencies place a nanny in a home even if they aren’t a good match for the family.

They don’t look into a child’s learning style, the nanny’s outlook on caregiving, or the parents’ expectations.

Our LA nanny agency advocates don’t work that way.

Before we select a nanny for your family, we triple-check that they meet our specific requirements in order to be considered a Therapeutic nanny.
Plus more.

Our Therapeutic Parenting process helps us pull candidates that have your best interest in mind.

Nanny Agency vs. Nanny Agency Advocate

It may come as a surprise to you, but, there’s a huge difference between a nanny agency in LA and a nanny agency advocate in LA. We are the latter.

We’re your nanny consultants, recruiting the best of the best.

Our “nannyologists” at our LA nanny agency advocacy are here to make sure your nanny cares about you and your children.

We understand that when families are looking for a nanny, they’re looking for a long-term plan. No parent wants to leave their children at home with someone who makes them uncomfortable.

We know that children need consistency in order to grow up feeling loved and safe with the people they’re surrounded by.

We value your children’s needs.

As nanny agency advocates, our Therapeutic Parenting Method assures parents that their children never feel like a piece of their puzzle is missing while their parents are away from home.

Therapeutic Parenting Method Can Help

Together, we’ll find a nanny that fits perfectly in your family.